Category Archives: Non-Motorcycle

An Everyday Christmas Miracle

In December of 2019 I was privileged to participate in a Christmas-time miracle.

A man had a serious heart attack in traffic, and this story talks to how strangers saving his life is actually an everyday miracle that most of us don’t even appreciate.  In many cases, we don’t even appreciate our participation in the miracles that occur around us.

Compared to most car drivers, we motorcyclists are proud of how “attuned to our environment” and “present in the moment” we are.  We tend to think of police and other drivers as obstacles, if not opponents, because of our usual traffic encounters.

This story drove home to me the importance of being aware not just of the vehicles that surround us, but the people inside those vehicles. Every one of them is someone’s son or daughter, maybe a father, mother, brother, sister, spouse or friend.